©  SAH Alpenkräuter AG

SAH Alpenkräuter AG

©  SAH Alpenkräuter AG

SAH Alpenkräuter AG

©  SAH Alpenkräuter AG

SAH Alpenkräuter AG

©  SAH Alpenkräuter AG

SAH Alpenkräuter AG


SAH Alpenkräuter AG

The Swiss Alpine Herbs Alpenkräuter AG brand was founded in 1991. It is located in a small village in the Simmental between idyllic mountain slopes and lush meadows. In the heart of the Swiss Alps, the herbs are processed into fine spices or teas. Swiss Alpine Herbs has specialized in the gentle drying and processing of fresh, aromatic alpine herbs from controlled organic cultivation.

  • Guided Tour: A look behind the scenes of the herbal world. (each Wednesday 10 am / ge, fr). Price: CHF 3.- instead of CHF 8.-
    For groups of 10 or more people, advance booking is required via e-mail (laden@swissalpineherbs.ch) or telephone (+41 33 783 80 13)

  • Guided Tour: A look behind the scenes of the herbal world. (each Wednesday 10 am / ge, fr). Price: CHF 3.- instead of CHF 8.-
    For groups of 10 or more people, advance booking is required via e-mail (laden@swissalpineherbs.ch) or telephone (+41 33 783 80 13)