Three wooden sledges stand at the top of the mountain in fresh powdery snow, with white mountain peaks in the background. ©  CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Melanie Uhkoetter / Gstaad Saanenland Tourismus

Three sledges in fresh powdery snow.


Sledding services

Sled rental

If you don’t have your own sled or you are travelling by train, you can rent a sled from the mountain railways (with the exception of the Rinderberg valley station) and from most of the sports shops in the area.

FAQs - Sledding

Where can I go sledding with kids?

On the easy sledding runs, the whole family gets its money’s worth.

Is sledding dangerous?

So that the fun doesn’t come to an early end, there are a few points to consider: In addition to a well-functioning sled and proper clothing, which include ski pants, ski jacket, gloves and a hat, it’s also recommended to wear a helmet. Also pay attention to the shoes. It’s best to have winter boots that offer good traction.

While sledding, it’s important to look ahead, have the sled under control and be able to stop at any time. This is especially important when coming up to a crossing with another sledding run or slope, when other sledders are on the run or when coming to a tight bend, then you need to slow down and proceed carefully.

The Swiss council for accident prevention provides safety tips for tobogganing. 

Can I take my dog with me on the sledding run?

For the welfare of the animal, it is not recommended to take the dog with you on the sledding run.