
Country Night Gstaad

06.09.2024 - 08.09.2024

35th Country Night Gstaad

6 - 8 September 2024

Europe's leading country event has been bringing the big stars of the country scene from the USA to the stage since 1989 and celebrating the West through and through. Line-up 2024: Little Big Town, Chapel Hart and Tyler Booth.

Varied and attractive supporting programme with after-show party, festival restaurant, bars, saloon, line dancing, Luna Park, food trucks, western stalls and lots of entertainment for the little ones too.


  • 06.09.2024
    from 16:00 hrs
  • 07.09.2024
    from 14:00 hrs
  • 08.09.2024
    from 11:00 hrs

The anniversary edition of the 35th Country Night Gstaad presents country music stars from the USA Little Big Town, Chapel Hart and Tyler Booth on Friday and Saturday evening. Attractive supporting programme with after-show party, festival restaurant, bars, saloon, line dancing, Luna Park, food trucks, western stalls, bouncy castles/pony rides for the little ones.

Tickets are available via Ticketing Gstaad (Tel: +41 33 744 88 22, Mail: ticketing@gstaad.ch) or online via www.ticketcorner.ch.

In addition: Sunday 8.9.2024, big anniversary parade at 11.00 am through the Promenade Gstaad under the motto "Horses and Horsepower" with 700 participants, attractive festive programme in the afternoon, 17.00 pm 2nd Gstaad Schlager Parade with Beatrice Egli and Die Jungen Zillertaler in the festival hall.

The entire anniversary programme can be found on the Country Night Gstaad website. www.countrynight-gstaad.ch