Mountainbiker am Trail mit beeindruckender Bergkette im Hintergrund ©  CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 David Birri / Gstaad Saanenland Tourismus

Cycling Delights in Autumn

In autumn, the landscape welcomes cyclists with a picturesque backdrop. Nature shines in warm autumn colours, surrounded by majestic peaks, some lightly covered with a hint of snow. Nevertheless, the sun still warms you up nicely during the day. In the valley below, the farmers have brought in their harvest. The mild autumn wind blows through the valleys, while the autumnal colours are reflected in the clear mountain lakes. It is a time of transition, when nature is slowly coming to rest. For cyclists, these are the last tours of the season, whether on the trails or on a mountain pass ride.

Cycling Tips for Autumn

R8 Tour de Gstaad classique - More
©  (c) Ferienregion Gstaad / Ferienregion Gstaad
3:45 h
63,6 km
1169 m
1169 m
R8 Tour de Gstaad classique
Road bike tour
A selfie of Cécile Kohler in cycling gear in front of a small mountain lake.

Road cycling in the Gstaad region.

©  CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 unbekannt / Gstaad Saanenland Tourismus
Cécile Kohler - local road bike enthusiast

«The balance between sweating on the steep ascent and enjoying the rapid descent makes the sport special for me and particularly tempting in such a beautiful landscape with so many different valleys and passes as in our region.»