Welcome to the event destination Gstaad

Cultural events, musical highlights, sporting events, nightlife or festivals - here we present an overview of what's on in the Gstaad holiday region. Because there is always something going on in our region - we have the right event for every taste.

Top events - Learn more
Ein Orchester spielt klassische Musik in einer Kirche mit christlichen Sujets an den Wänden. ©  (c) Raphael Faux / Gstaad Saanenland Tourismus

Top events

Find all the information about the top events in the Gstaad holiday region and book your ticket now for an unforgettable experience.

Events calendar - Learn more
Eine Kuh schaut aus dem Fenster des Stalles. Darüber hängen vier Glocken. ©  CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 unbekannt / Gstaad Saanenland Tourismus

Events calendar

Discover our events calendar and nightlife in the holiday region Gstaad!

Nightlife - Learn more


Experience unforgettable nights in Gstaad – from vibrant club nights to thrilling live performances.