Ein Paar wandert entlang Grat in beeindruckendem Bergpanorama ©  CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Nicole Schafer / Suisse Tourisme

Hiking Delights in Autumn

As the air cools, summer comes to an end and the colourful autumn awakens. When hiking in the mountains in autumn, your gaze wanders into the distance, the scent of falling leaves and woodfire smoke is in the air. This is the last chance to soak up the warming rays of the sun for the winter. The hiking trails in the Destination Gstaad take you through some very varied scenery. Along the way you will discover moorlands, deep gorges, Alpine valleys, high mountain peaks and, of course, the beautifully located Alpine restaurants. With more than 300 km of signposted and well maintained trails and paths, the holiday region of Gstaad is a veritable paradise for hikers.

Hiking Tips for Autumn

306 Rinderberg - Hornberg - Horneggli - More
©  (c) Destination Gstaad / Melanie Uhkoetter / Ferienregion Gstaad
2:0 h
5,9 km
79 m
311 m
306 Rinderberg - Hornberg - Horneggli
307 Wispile - Chrine - Lauenensee - More
©  (c) Ferienregion Gstaad / Ferienregion Gstaad
3:0 h
13,1 km
115 m
786 m
307 Wispile - Chrine - Lauenensee
W7 Oberberg loop - More
©  (c) Ferienregion Gstaad / Ferienregion Gstaad
2:40 h
6,9 km
525 m
522 m
W7 Oberberg loop
W6 Sparenmoos - Hundsrügg - Sparenmoos - More
©  (c) Urs Mathys / Ferienregion Gstaad
3:20 h
10,1 km
464 m
464 m
W6 Sparenmoos - Hundsrügg - Sparenmoos
Francesco Piemontesi is taking in the beauty of the nature around him.

Pianist Francesco Piemontesi

©  (c) Timon Rupp / Gstaad Saanenland Tourismus
Francesco Piemontesi - Swiss star pianist and Gstaad connoisseur

«I find the nature here amazing. It's lovely and the mountains are very close.»