
Gondel Night Dinner

Included services

  • Apéro at the Rinderberg gondola valley station (including drinks)
  • 3-course dinner (excluding drinks)
  • Gondola ride
  • Musical entertainment

Meeting point

Rinderberg gondola valley station, Zweisimmen


Price for adults (from 13 years):
4-seater gondola: CHF 100.00 per person
3-seater gondola: CHF 115.00 per person
2-seater gondola: CHF 130.00 per person

Children upon request to the provider:
Price for children (2-5 years): CHF 30.00
Price for youths (6-12 years): CHF 60.00
Children and youths get a special menu.

Cancellation policy

  • If a Gondel Night Dinner is cancelled by the organiser (Bergbahnen Destination Gstaad AG) due to weather conditions, a technical failure of the facility, lack of personnel, etc., an alternative date, where possible, will be discussed with the client. However, there is no entitlement to a refund or an alternative date.
  • If a booking is cancelled at short notice (less than 3 days before the event), there is no right to subsequent participation/refund.