
1 August in Lauenen

01.08.2024 , Thursday

Programme Geltenhornplatz

10:00 - 16:00
Market on the Geltenhorn car park, big raffle with instant prizes and glitter tattoos for children.

From 11:00
TV Lauenen catering.

11:00 & 15:00
Punch and Judy show in the parish parlour.
Doors open 10 minutes before the play begins, admission free.

Air rifle shooting
Registration on site, shooting for payout until the end of the festival. Shooting for roebuck (meat prize) until 20:30. Ranking announcement with prize-giving ceremony after return from the Blatterli (approx. 22:00) in the marquee. Organisation Sportschützen Lauenen.

Programme marquee and evening

11:00 - 13:30
Country band Reusser-Perreten

15:00 - 17:00
Band ‘Sulzbuebe’, Lauenen

Yodelling club Lauenen

From 20:00
Bühler-Fischer folk band

Assembly torchlight procession* Geltenhornplatz, then procession with Treichler through the village to the 1st August bonfire on the Blatterli. Together we sing the Swiss Psalm (national anthem).

Young citizens ceremony: presentation of the citizens’ letters by Mayor Ruth Oehrli.

From 22:30
Open End Tell Bar with DJ Hene