
August 1st Brunch on Wispile

01.08.2024 , Thursday

1st August Brunch on the Wispile

Celebrate Swiss National Day with a hearty brunch and experience an unforgettable day with folk entertainment on our family mountain Wispile!

Date: 1st August 2024

Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Location: Wispile, Gstaad

Prices for the brunch including the cable car ride:

CHF 52.00 per person

CHF 35.00 for children from 6 years

Folk entertainment: Enjoy the day with traditional music from the Ländlerfreunde Bäderhorn.

Note: For planning and further details, please contact us directly.

We look forward to your visit and an unforgettable 1st of August on the Wispile!