
Bierwanderung 2024

24.08.2024 , Saturday

Beer gourmets, beer lovers and beer connoisseurs take note - there will be another beer hike in 2024! If you like drinking beer and going on a short hike in the fresh air with friends, you'll be happy on our beer hike. At the start, you will receive a handlebar beer hiking mug, which you can use to sample beer at every stand along the way. The 6.5-kilometre route on the flat valley floor takes you past the idyllic Lenkerseeli to the Ey, crosses the Iffigbach and the Simme and leads back towards the village. There are six breweries along the route - Feldschlösschen, as Jùscht's, Appenzeller Bier, Simmentaler Bier, Felsenau and Egger Bier - all serving up delicious beer. Each stand sells something tasty from the barbecue, cheese sandwiches or even a pretzel. The beer hiking day continues in the evening with a party in the barn of the David von Känel family. Musical entertainment will be provided by the quartet Prost, DJ M.A.D.C and DJ Mosbi. Food, drinks and of course beer will also be provided. The party in the evening is open to the public and no registration is required.

The beer hike starts at 12.00 noon

Here is the link for the tickets https://shop.e-guma.ch/lenk-simmental/de/events/bierwanderung-lenk-1770001