
Internationales Curling Mixed Doubles Turnier 2023

03.11.2023 - 05.11.2023

Experience international top curling in Saanenland. 12 top teams of the Olympic discipline "Mixed Doubles" will fight for the tournament victory in the sports center Gstaad.

From nine European nations the total of 12 top teams will travel to Gstaad for the new tournament. Among them are numerous teams that are among the best in the world. Among others, the national teams from Sweden, Estonia and Spain will let their stones glide over the Gstaad ice. But also the Swiss teams will want to fight for the victory of the new tournament. With Briar Schwaller-Hürlimann and Yannick Schwaller, the reigning Swiss champions will compete, as will the 2022 Olympic team with Jenny Perret and Martin Rios.