
Swiss-Ski Freestyle-Events

21.11.2023 , Tuesday

Freestyle tours reinvent themselves

The Swiss-Ski freestyle tours will be travelling under a new name and in a new format from this season. The previous event series Audi Snowboard Series and Audi Skicross Tour will be given a fresh name and - together with the Swiss Freeski Tour - will be on the road in new constellations from now on.

When the starting signal is given for the new season of Swiss-Ski freestyle events on 21 November on the Glacier 3000, it will be under a new name for the first time. This is because the previous Swiss-Ski tours - namely the Audi Skicross Tour, the Audi Snowboard Series and the Audi Shred Days - will be partially merged and thus move closer together.

In future, the division of the tours will no longer be based on the competition equipment, i.e. skis or snowboard, but on the sport clusters. Just as the competitive sports area has already been divided since 1 May 2022, the tours in the popular sports area will also be newly divided into the sports clusters "Speed" and "Style".