 A gondola lift cabin travelling through a forest and over a road, with mountains in the background.

Wispile gondola in summer

©  CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 unbekannt / ©Gstaad Saanenland Tourismus

Prices single rides summer

On the mountains of the Gstaad vacation region, there are flexible options for ascents and descents. You can buy single, return or multi-section tickets. Details can be found in the linked pdf.

Round-trip tickets

Experience the beauty of the Gstaad mountains in all their diversity. With the round trip ticket you can enjoy a carefree day of hiking - and the mountain railroads and post bus trips are already included. For example, you can discover Glacier 3000 from Gsteig or spend an eventful day on the family mountain Wispile. Depending on the route you choose, you can either take the cable car from the Wispile valley station or the PostBus from Gstaad railroad station. Depending on your starting point, you can get your round trip ticket at the ticket office of the cable car or on the PostBus.

A family hiking on the other side of a small lake, with a mountain panorama behind them.

Hike from the Wispile to Gsteig

©  CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Melanie Uhkoetter / ©Gstaad Saanenland Tourismus / 2018
Route A Talstation Wispile - Wispile - Gsteig - Talstation Wispile
Erwachsene CHF 40.-
Kinder CHF 20.-
Halbtax CHF 20.-
Ticket-Bezug Talstation Wispile
Beschrieb Rundreise  
Gondelbahn Talstation Wispile - Wispile
Wanderung Wispile - Chrine - Gsteig (Dauer: ca. 2.30 Std.)
Postauto Gsteig - Talstation Wispile
Route B Gstaad Bahnhof - Wispile - Lauenensee - Gstaad Bahnhof
Erwachsene CHF 50.-
Kinder CHF 25.-
Halbtax CHF 25.-
Ticket-Bezug BDG-Kasse Wispile und im PostAuto
Beschrieb Rundreise  
Postauto Gstaad Bahnhof - Talstation Wispile
Gondelbahn Talstation Wispile - Wispile
Wanderung Wispile - Chrine - Lauenensee (Dauer: ca. 3:00 Std.)
Postauto Lauenensee - Gstaad Bahnhof

Summer season tickets

©  CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Melanie Uhkoetter / Gstaad Saanenland Tourismus

Summer season tickets

There is also a season ticket for the summer, which allows you to use all summer cable cars of the Gstaad fare network (Skiwelt Gstaad, Sanetsch, Wasserngrat, but excluding Glacier 3000) during normal operating hours for the whole season. If you already have a winter season ticket (Top4 or BDG season ticket), you can benefit from a discount on the summer season ticket.